Senior Services

This is a Decision to Reject All Bids and to Withdraw Our Award.  At You Thrive Florida, we are committed to fairness and transparency in all our processes. During the recent Request for Proposal (RFP) Food Vendor bid review, discrepancies were identified. As a result, we intend to correct the discrepancies and will restart the bid process for all food vendor submissions.

We will provide additional details and directions early next year, as we plan to begin the new bid process on February 1, 2025.

Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, or failure to post the bond or other security required by law within the time allowed for filing a bond shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under chapter 120, Florida Statutes.

Any person who is adversely affected by the agency decision or intended decision shall file with the agency a notice of protest in writing within 72 hours after the posting of the notice of decision or intended decision. With respect to a protest of the terms, conditions, and specifications contained in a solicitation, including any provisions governing the methods for ranking bids, proposals, or replies, awarding contracts, reserving rights of further negotiation, or modifying or amending any contract, the notice of protest shall be filed in writing within 72 hours after the posting of the solicitation. The formal written protest shall be filed within 10 days after the date the notice of protest is filed. Failure to file a notice of protest or failure to file a formal written protest shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under this chapter. The formal written protest shall state with particularity the facts and law upon which the protest is based. Saturdays, Sundays, and state holidays shall be excluded in the computation of the 72-hour time periods provided by this paragraph.


You Thrive Florida, a 501(c)(3) Community Action Agency, is seeking to procure a food vendor through a competitive bid process to provide congregate style, shelf-stable, and home-delivered meals to eligible elders age 60+ throughout Hernando, Lake, Sumter, and Polk Counties. Funding for these services is secured as pass-through grants originating from the federal and state levels via the Older Americans Act and General Revenue Fund. The Department of Elder Affairs requires “Lead Agencies” to select vendors through a competitive bid process every six years. As such, the selected vendor and You Thrive Florida will negotiate an 18-month (1.5-year) contract effective July 1, 2025 – December 31, 2026, with an option for renewal.


Request For Proposal-Food Vendor

Scoring Matrix for Food Vendor Proposals

2023 Chapter 4 Older Americans Act Title IIIB


YTF’s Senior Services programs offer a wide array of services designed to support aging seniors in their efforts to live independently in their own homes, improving their ability to function and avoiding costly placement in long-term care facilities.


Case managed clients may be assessed a co-payment based upon ability to pay.

About The Program

Who Is Eligible?

Persons 60 years of age and older. Additional eligibility requirements vary by program depending upon household income, level of functioning, and / or medical diagnosis (eg, Alzheimers).


Services are supported through a variety of state and federal sources including:

Older American’s Act (OAA);
Community Care for the Elderly (CCE);
Home Care for the Elderly (CCE);
Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative (ADI) administered by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS),
Florida Department of Elder Affairs; and,
Area Agency on Aging (Elder Options).

Services Available

  • In-home respite care
  • Homemaker services
  • Personal care services
  • Nutrition education
  • Congregate meals
  • Transportation to congregate meal sites
  • Home-delivered meals
  • Telephone reassurance
  • Emergency Alert Response
  • Information and referral

Contact Us

We look forward to helping answer any questions you may have. We invite you to complete the form and a representative will reach out to you.

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